Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough

2020. 1. 24. 19:27카테고리 없음

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough

While I encourage you to use it if you need help on the Japanese version of FF7, Final Fantasy VII International, or the PC version of FF7, expect there to be some minor differences in what's written here and what occurs in the game. Don't mail me about the PC version of FF7, please!

Final Fantasy VII WalkthroughPlay stationWalkthrough By: Sephiroth the Great A.K.A. Jay DelaneyPrint out: Approxomatly 266 pagesE-MAIL: for if you find any errors in this walkthroughCompletion: 100%Version: 1.0 (first)-C O N T E N T S-1.

R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y2. I N T R O D U C T I O N3. D I S C 1 W A L K T H R O U G H3.1 Mako Power Plant3.2 Midgar City3.3 Avalanche Base3.4 Mako Reactor Number 53.5 Midgar City Slums3.6 Wall Market3.7 The Sewers / Train Yard Revisited3.8 Into The Sky3.9 Shinra Headquarters3.10 Escape!3.11 Kalm Town / Chocobo Farm3.12 Mythril Mine / Junon Town3.13 Shinra Boat3.14 Costa Del Sol / New Continent3.15 Gold Saucer3.16 Gongaga Town / Cosmo Canyon3.17 Return of Sephiroth3.18 The Inventor3.19 Betrayal3.20 The Temple3.21 Excavator's Site / The Forest3.22 Ancient City4.

D I S C 2 W A L K T H R O U G H4.1 The Cave4.2 Icicle Lodge4.3 Lost in the Snow4.4 The Crater / Tornado Labyrinth4.5 Junon Town Attacked!4.6 Where's Cloud? / North Corel Express4.8 Fort Condor4.9 Inside Cloud's Head4.10 100 Leagues Under the Sea4.11 Underwater Adventure4.12 Cid's Rocket4.13 Return to the Ancient City / Midgar City Under Siege5. D I S C 3 W A L K T H R O U G H5.1 Makou Pit6.

B O N U S A R E A S A N D S U B - Q U E S T S6.1 Old Forest6.2 Vincent's Waterfall6.3 Bonus Materia Locations6.4 Yuffie's Sub-Quest7. P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E7.1 Terminology7.2 Starting The Game7.3 Controller Functions7.4 Fighting Battles7.5 World Map and the Area Map7.6 List of Status Changes7.7 Visiting Towns and Shops7.8 Having Fun7.9 Main Menu8. S E C R E T S A N D C O D E S8.1 Getting Yuffie Kisaragi8.2 Getting Vincent Valentine8.3 The Safe in Nivelheim8.4 The Sleeping Man8.5 Piano Trick8.6 Key to Midgar City8.7 Turtle's Paradise Flyers8.8 All 7 Fever8.9 FMV Viewing Trick8.10 Always Run from Battles8.11 Raising Chocobos8.12 Uncharted Isles8.13 Game Shark Codes9. A P P E N D I X9.1 Materia Orbs9.2 Huge Materia / Master Materia9.3 Materia List9.4 Enemy Skill List9.5 Learning Limit Breaks9.6 Limit Break List9.7 Ultimate Weapons9.8 Items and Equipment9.9 Shopping List9.10 Monster List1. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R YVERSION 0.1 (10-22-2003-WENDSDAY)Basic information. Much of this FAQ is based on my earlier Japanese FF7FAQ.

Created Game Shark codes 'Item Select', 'Materia Select' and'Character Select' have been included. If the FAQ seems a bit sloppyright now, well, it is based on the Japanese FAQ so it'll take a revisionor two to get everything into shape, as this is a big file:)Also, my spell-checker and 'find/replace' options went a little crazy,so if you spot any strange mistakes, please let me know! I N T R O D U C T I O NIf this is your first time playing FF7, then trust me, you'll enjoy it.If you were around back when I was working on the Japanese FF7 FAQ, thenI'd like to say, 'Welcome back!' Square has a lot in store for us gamersand this version of FF7 is by far the best, in my opinion.For those of you who don't know, there are three versions of FF7. Thefirst one is the original Japanese game. The second is the English-textrelease you've probably popped into your PlayStation just now. The thirdversion is the pending Japanese re-release, which is just like the oneyou're playing, but with Japanese text:) If you're looking for a FAQfor the original Japanese version, then please download my Japanese FF7FAQ from:It's divided into two parts, 'The Complete Walkthrough', and 'Extra StuffYou Should Know'.

Since the combined size of both documents stands at993,670 ub, I think you'll be able to find just about whatever you'relooking for in one part or another.If you want a FAQ for the Japanese re-release, then I suggest you checkout that FAQ, too, but refer to this one if you want information on newthings added to the game, like the Weapon monster scenarios. And if youwant a FAQ for the English-text version of FF7, then you're at the rightplace, keep reading.Please don't ask me to send you a copy of either FAQ because I don't havethe time to send them out to everyone who asks, and secondly, this isn'tmy e-mail address. However, if you have any suggestions, corrections,questions, or comments, then you can reach me via.Comments are always welcome and I'll be happy to answer any questions Ireceive either via e-mail or I'll include an answer in the upcomingrevision of the FAQ. I won't answer questions if they are alreadyanswered in either of the FAQs, so please read whichever document you areusing carefully before e-mailing me.3. D I S C O N E W A L K T H R O U G H(Note that the beginning of this game has been altered somewhat from theFF7 demo disc packaged with Total No.

1 and other FF7 demos.)-3. 1 m a k o r o p o w e r p l an n t-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Potion x3, Phoenix Down, Restore materia,Assault Gun.At the start of the game, you'll have 3 Potions, a Phoenix Down, and Ether.

Youcan't equip Materia until you reach Section 3.3, by the way.Once you leave the train, check the body of the closest guard twice toget two Potions. Then head north.

Some guars will attack you.Take them out with your sword (you may win a Potion for killing them)and then move left to go outside. Now, talk to your team-mates (Biggs,Wedge, and Jessie), then name yourself and Barret. Make your way to thenorth-western door, and head up in the next room to enter the heart ofthe power plant.Talk to Barret, (who joins you) and then talk to each Avalanche memberto open the doors. After opening the second door, head right to enteranother chamber with a treasure chest (Phoenix Down). Then, go backand enter the elevator (you'll have to talk to Jessie first).

Press thearrow switch to activate it.Work your way down the stairs and go through the door to the left. Thenfollow Jessie down the ladder. When he stops, search the area in frontof him for a Potion (it's hard to see because of the steam). Climbdown, cross the pipes, descend the nearby ladder, and take note ofthe Save Point before heading down the walkway.Pick up the Restore materia on the ground in the next area and set thebomb. An alarm will sound and you'll have to fight the boss, a hugescorpion-like machine.BOSS TIPS: GUARD SCORPION LV:?? HP: 800 MP: 0Cloud's Bolt magic works well, while Barret should be attacking.

TheSearch Scope won't damage you, it just warns as to whom the boss willattack next. When you've done enough damage, the boss will start toshake and Barret will warn Cloud.

From this point onward, don't attackthe boss and heal yourself or simply guard until the boss attacks you.If you try to hurt it during this time, the boss responds with a damaginglaser ray shot from his tail. A few more hits after it stops shaking andthe boss dies. You'll get an Assault Gun when you kill it.You now have ten minutes to escape from the power plant. You'll needto make your way back to the upside-down T-shaped entrance hall whereone of the Avalanche members is waiting. (If you've played the demodisc, know that you don't need to 'search' for the other members; justtalk to Jessie to free him and then get out. Since Barret gets a newgun after the battle, be sure to equip it. Also, talk to the othermembers to open the two doors on your way back.-3.

2 m i d g a r c i t y-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Potion.After the Avalanche members blow up the passage, head up the stairs.You'll meet Aeries here, but she won't join you yet. In the nextscreen, there's a Potion to the southwest of the circular structure(near the lampposts). Walk south when you're done. In this next area,you'll meet up with guards and have the choice of running (bottomchoice) or fighting (top choice). After a few more encounters with theShinra guards, Clod will jump onto the passing train and run into theAvalanche gang.

After talking to them, walk to the 'front' of thescreen and you'll jump off into another area. Talk to the people hereand one of the members (Jessie) will show you a picture of the Macroplant on the train's screen. Approach Barret and you'll end up goingto the group's base.-3. 3 a v and l a n c h e b a s e-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 1500 gil, all materia, Ether.Head west and go upwards. Talk to the kid by the fence, then head westagain (there's a Save Point nearby, too). Talk to the people here,then check out the bar. At the top of the tallest building in the south-east is a bedroom.

The kid here will let you spend the night for 10 gil.In the bar, you'll meet Tiff, who is also a member of Avalanche, as wellas Marlene, who is supposedly Barrett’s daughter. After naming Tiff,Barret shows up when you try to leave and reveals the hidden baseunderneath the bar.

After talking to Barret, Tiff shows up. Leave thebase and you'll have a short intermission with Tiff. When you meetBarret afterwards, he'll give you 1500 gil. If you go to the Beginner'sHall above the Weapon Shop outside, you can learn more about playing thegame.

You'll also find that there inside the huge cage. The man inthe right corner of this room has a Materia by his feet (All). Take itand a chest will drop down that has Ether inside of it. If youhaven't already noticed, the two buildings that were locked the otherday are now open.When you're ready, go back to the train station to prepare forAvalanche's next mission.

If you like, you can go to the far right toenter a train yard, but there's not much of interest there.-3. 4 m a k o r e a c t o r n u m b e r f i v e-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether x2, Potion, Tent, Titan Bangle.Board the train.

When the timer appears after you talk to Tiff, gothrough each train car until Tiff jumps off one of the cars and you andBarret follow her. You'll end up in an Underground Railroad passageway.If you go south (towards the 'front' of the screen), you'll go throughthe same screen 5 times before coming to two guards who you can fight.When the battles over, choose the bottom option to keep fighting or thetop option to run away.

You can fight the same battle over and over,so when you get tired of fighting, just pick the top option. An OK placeto gain some experience, gil, and AP, if you think you'll need it.Anyway, it's a lot faster to just head north to where the green barrieris and go down the hatch to the west (examine it and choose the topchoice twice or the middle option once). Pick up the Ether in theadjoining passage, climb down the two ladders, and talk to Wedge. Thengo up the ladder near him to reach a room where Jessie is waiting foryou. Take the Potion that's next to him and climb down the ladder on thefar left end of the room to reach a chamber where you can find a Tent, aSave Point, and Biggs.Go up the ladder here to reach the No. The room you're inshould be familiar. Slide down the pipe and then work your way back tothe heart of the plant.

After Cloud fiddles with the machinery, go backto the large room and climb up the stairs and into the elevator. It'lltake you to a new floor.

Grab the contents of the treasure chest outside(Ether) and then head to the left where there are three control panels.You'll need to hit your panel as the same time Barret and Tiff hittheirs (using the O button), so give it a shot. Instead of waiting forthem to raise their arms, you'll have an easier time if you time it sothat you hit your panel just before they do. You can't use the panelif you didn't go back to the heart of the power plant. Afterwards, gothrough the opened gate (there's a Save Point here), and head north.In the T-shaped room, you'll be stopped by a group of guards, and thenmeet President Shinra. After that, a helicopter and a hydrofoil-likemachine show up. The Shinra president leaves in the helicopter, butthe huge machine attack you and your friends.BOSS TIPS: AIR BUSTER LV: 15 HP: 1200 MP: 0Weak against LightningThis machine turns to face (and attack) whomever hits it. So, if one ofyour characters is low on life, have the person on the opposite sideattack to draw the boss' attention away.

Be especially careful of itsBig Bomber-it causes tons of damage (but also increases your Limitmeter quickly). Remember that even if it's back is turned, it can use aweak machine gun attack on you. Use potions and the Restore Materia tokeep up your Hips and use Bolt as well as your Limit Break attacks to takethis machine out. You'll receive a Titan Bangle if you win the battle.-3. 5 m a k o r o c i t y s l u m s-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 5 gil, Potion, Phoenix Down, Cover materia, Ether.After the battle, the boss will explode, sending Cloud off the walkwayin the ensuing blast. When you awake, you'll find yourself in a church.Aeries are here, and you can name her after talking to her several times.Reno shows up afterwards with some guards. In the next room, Aeriesfalls down while trying to escape with Cloud.

Tell her to hold on.You now have the option of fighting the guards using Aeries or trying tobean the guards on the head with barrels on the upper floor (if youmiss, you'll have to fight using Aeries anyway). Remember, she starts offin the back row, so to increase damage, make her move up by choosing'Change' at the start of each battle (do this by pressing left, then theO button).The correct order of barrels to drop is: the leftmost barrel (in theback), the far right barrel (in the back), and the far right barrel(in the front). Simply tell Aeries to hold on each time, examine eachbarrel, and choose the top option to drop it.

This way, Aeries won'thave to fight anybody. When Aeries meets you at the top of the chapel,she'll hook up with Cloud.In the upper area, climb up the second beam on the left and jump out ofthe hole in the roof. After you and Aeries make it back to ground level,head left to find a Save Point. To the northwest is a town. Be sure tomeet the man in the pipe near the entrance.

In one of the houses, youcan also find 5 gil if you talk to the drunk man in bed, then examinethe drawers nearby. There are several stores here in the slums,including one that sells Materia.

To the far, far right is a path thatleads to Aegis’s house and a garden. You can spend the night here onceyou've met Elmira, Aegis’s mother. When you wake up, look between thedesk and the bed for a Potion and a Phoenix Down. Then, sneak downstairs(or Aeries will make you go back to bed) and leave the house (you can dothis by not touching the walls and not running, either). In the lowerflower bed to the right, you can get a Protect materia and Ether.There's another Save Point near Aeries' house if you need to use it.Leave the town and go left to the hole in the wall. Aeries will be herewaiting for you and will rejoin you.

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough Pc

In the next location, work yourway upward (by going across the hole-filled metal length, then down theiron beams and through the passage, then up the brown pipe and finallydown the stairs and heading to the left). After Aeries leaves you at theplayground, head east, then go north to arrive at the Wall Market.-3. 6 w an l m an r k e t-ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether, Phoenix Down, Hyper.Aeries rejoin you (again) here. There's a Save Point in the upper-rightpart of the village. The building in the lower left is an inn, where youcan spend the night for 10 gil. To the right of it is the entrance to abrothel.

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough Switch

The building in the middle has nothing in it but a computer.(If you touch it, a machine gun will fire at you and Cloud jumps away.You can't do anything here until later). Just above that building is anitem shop. North of the shop is a sushi bar. Finally, there is aclothing store to the upper left and some sort of pottery store to theupper right. A path by the clothing store leads to another part of town.Here, there is a gym, a restaurant, and a weapon shop. In the northernarea lies a large building. If you go east from here, you'll reach adead-end area.Your objective in this part of the game is to sneak into the largebuilding where Tiff is being kept.

To do this, Cloud will have todress up as a woman in order to get inside since men aren't allowedinto the building. So, follow these steps to get the items you needto 'alter' Cloud's appearance. You may want to read this entiresection before starting so that you'll know how your choices willaffect the game.a) Go to the brothel and talk to the big guy with silver hair whosechatting with the bouncer at the door. Talk to him and pick thefirst option to inquire about Tiff.b) Go back to the building at the end of town (Cornea’s mansion) andtalk to the guy near the door.

Aeries and Cloud will move away andhave a short conversation. She tells Cloud that he'll have todress up if he wants to find out if Tiff’s okay.c) Return to the first screen, go to the clothing store, and talk tothe store owner by standing near the bottom edge of the counter.She'll tell you that you can't get a dress unless you do somethingabout her drunken father.d) Go to the bar in the second screen and talk to the lone man by thedoor. During the conversation, you'll have to make two decisions.So when you're asked a question, pick either the first or secondchoice. After you're done talking to the man, return to theclothing store.e) At the store, you'll see that the man from the inn is now behindthe counter. Talk to him and you'll receive an item based uponyour decisions:- If you answered: first choice, first or second choice, you'llget the Cotton Dress.- If you answered: second choice, first choice, you'll be giventhe Satin Dress.- If you answered: second choice, second choice again, he'll giveyou the Silk Dress.f) Cloud will try on the dress, but won't actually wear it. Leavethe clothing store and go to the second screen.

Enter the gymand converse with the woman (he) by the fighting ring. When youhave the chance, pick the bottom option twice to start fighting,although if you want to practice, you can choose the bottomoption, then the top one. Anyway, as soon as the message boxdisappears, start pressing the S, X, and O buttons repeatedly inthat order. The object of the game is to go fast enough to makeCloud do more squats than the African gymnast, but you don't wantto press the buttons too fast or Cloud can't keep up. It's nottoo hard to win since the other guy will often stop to scratch hishead, but you only have 30 seconds, so get in as many squats as youcan.- If you are able to do more squats than the gymnast, you'll begiven the Blonde Wig.- If you and the gymnast have the same score, the lady will giveyou the Dyed Wig.- If the gymnast does better than you, then the lady will giveyou the Wig.At this point, you can just return to the clothing shop and enter thestall; Cloud will dress up as a woman and you can return to Cornea’smansion to get inside.

You can also choose to not change yet andexplore more of the Wall Market, picking up items that you can use tomake Cloud more 'feminine'. If you're finished, then skip down a waysto find out what to do next. Otherwise, keep reading (these eventscan be done in any order):g) Go to the pottery shop. When you have to choose an answer, pickthe top one twice. (You can't talk to him unless you chatted withthe guard at the north building). Then go to the inn and pay 10 gilto spend the night. In the middle of the night, you'll findyourself in front of the vending machine in the outer hallway.

Pickany option (I hope you have enough gil). The next morning, returnto the pottery shop and talk to the man to get an item:- If you bought the first item (200 gil), he'll give you theDiamond Tiara.- If you bought the second item (100 gil), he'll give you theRuby Tiara.- If you bought the third item (50 gil), he'll give you theGlass Tiara.(Note that the dialogue here was changed from the Japanese version,in which you were buying a 'gift' for the shopkeeper's girlfriendthat he was too embarrassed to buy Why this waschanged, I have no idea.)h) Enter the sushi bar and walk past the empty seat. When a messageappears, choose the top option. Then choose any option, (you'llneed 70 gil), followed by the middle choice ('the food was allright') to get a Pharmacy Coupon. Now go to the item store andtalk to the man behind the Counter Attack. Choose one of the threeoptions to get an item, then head back to the restaurant.

Go tothe bathroom and talk to the woman inside. Accept the first choiceand:- You'll get the Cologne if you traded the Coupon for theDisinfectant.- You'll get the Flower Cologne if you traded the Coupon for theDeodorant.- You'll get the Sexy Cologne if you traded the Coupon for theDigestive (medicine).i) Talk to the large man in the white shirt that's standing near theedge of the screen in the first area to get the Member's Card.He won't give it to you unless you talked to the guard by the doorof the Cornea’s mansion. Head right to arrive at the brothel.If you talk to the bouncer, he'll let you in once he sees the Card,but Aeries won't come with you (yes, they messed up the dialoguehere, too).Inside the Honeybee Inn, you'll find that the doors on the right sideare locked, but if you chose the bottom option, you can look insidethem and peer around using the control pad and the O button.


If youlook in the upper-right keyhole, you'll see a familiar face.a smallversion of Cat Seth! If you go to the north room and talk to thefarthest girl on the right several times, you can choose the topoption to make her dance faster and faster. When you're ready (youbetter brace yourself), you can do one or the other:Examine the lower-left door and pick the top option twice.

In theroom, talk to the girl and pick the top option three times to takea soak with Mucky and his friends. Answer however you like whilein the tub and Cloud will be given the Bikini briefs.Or, examine the upper-left door and pick the top option twice.Inside, talk to the ghostly Cloud near the stone tub and Cloudwill have a psychotic episode. When you come to, all your HPand MP is restored, thanks to.Mucky:( Talk to him and choosethe bottom option. Then talk to the girl and you'll get theLingerie.All done? There's nothing left to do now but return to the clothingstore and dress up as a woman.

When you finish, go to the large buildingin the north and talk to the man by the food carts again. He'll let youinto a posh-looking parlour. Now, go up the stairs and into the door onthe far left after talking to the receptionist.

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough Switch

Then, go down thestaircase to the torture room (!) where you'll find Tiff and Ether bythe smouldering coals. Once she's joined you, head back up the stairsand go into the middle door. Inside is Tiff’s kidnapper, the nefariousDon Cornea.

Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough